CHROME23 Chrome23 is an all female rap battle league for women, supporting women, ran by women. Remy Ma created this league as a response to the lack of representation and irrational pay gap for female artists in the hip hop industry.
WAKE BET+ ORIGINAL. A physics professor with severe narcolepsy becomes obsessed over a famous rapper with a criminal past who moves into her upscale neighborhood. PRODUCER OCTET Productions Edmonds Entertainment director Erik White NETWORK BET Networks set Graphics poster artwork on-screen graphics vfx VFX | Before and After Slide the bar from left to right […]

At CRASH! Creative, we take pride in delivering visually compelling and engaging title designs that capture the essence of the film. Our team of creative professionals worked closely with the producers of Hip Hop Family Christmas to create a custom-made animated title sequence that conveyed the film’s theme – a fun and festive holiday movie with a hip-hop twist. We understand the importance of a powerful intro to set the mood for the audience, and that’s why we put in the work to deliver a seamless and dynamic opening credits sequence that sets the stage for a memorable movie experience. With years of experience and a passion for creativity, we take every project as a unique challenge and strive to deliver beyond our clients’ expectations. Choose us for your next project, and let us bring your vision to life with our stunning film title design services.
Cy Alexander

BLUEPRINT QUICK LINKS DONOR WEBSITE OFFICIAL WEBSITE MULTI-LINK MOBILE PAGE VIEW BOOK PDF Project Resources & Assets MAIN FOLDER Graphics Graphics, Documents, Storyboards, Sizzle Concept Visuals, Motion Graphics…etc VIEW FOLDER BTS & Official Headshots Behind the scenes photos, videos and stills from the interview shoot (11/11/2023) VIEW FOLDER B-Roll Footage B-Roll Footage from various sources […]
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GET STARTED Note Email Timing! Website Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they live in Bookmarksgrove right at the coast. Far far away, behind the word mountains, far from the countries Vokalia and Consonantia, there live the blind texts. Separated they […]